Property Management

"Great acts are made up of small deeds"

House Cleaning Services

This service can be purchased by you in the way that suits you best. You can decide on the frequency of cleaning: once a fortnight when you are absent, for example, or twice a week when you are in residence. But cleaning only prior to your own arrival is also possible. Everything is possible!

Maintenance Property Services

Pool Cleaning Gardening Services

Concierge Services

I Can Assist You With The Following Regarding Your Property: *Tailored & Made According To The Needs Of The Customers. ❖Spare Keys Cut. ❖Preparing Your Property By Cleaning It Thoroughly. ❖Welcome Book/Tenant Folder Instructions. ❖Regular Property Inspection. ❖Essential Repairs/Improvements. ❖Open And Airing The Property. ❖Close All Shutters/Windows And Secure Properly. *Coordination With Third Party Service […]

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